Hi Friends,
How are you? I hope all is well in this new year. I am excited about this year as many things are changing and I find myself with some intense decisions to make. Usually, when decisions are based around myself and the consequences of those decisions only affect myself I tend to only ask one person what they think... me. As a Christian, someone who has a relationship with Jesus Christ, this is not good nor healthy. I am trying harder, with the Lord's help, to ask him what is HIS will for my life. This is really difficult, under all my "righteousness" and my "oh Lord, whatever you want me to do, I'll do it", there is a big secret. I want my will and I want it in my own certain way. I want the thing that I feel will best benefit me in the time frame that I choose. I think sometimes we all deceive ourselves in this way, does that justify it? NO. It is sin and the Bible specifically says;
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path.” (~ KJV)
Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (NIV)
Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” (KJV)
THIS is what the righteous men and women of God do. They TRUST in the Lord, no matter what and don't listen to their own secret wills or ambitions but they know in their heart of hearts that he knows all things and is supremely wise. I want to be this kind of Christian. At times, it is difficult living in Italy... I know, I know... living in Italy? wow! so hard, right? right. It can be extremely lonely and depressing to the point where I question God's will. But, I know he has me here for a reason. I wouldn't be here if he didn't allow it. And you! you are in the place where God wants you right now or else you would be somewhere else. Does that mean you can never move from that spot? NO! of course not, I would just strongly suggest seeking God's will in any decision without concern for your own. I know it's hard, I am struggling through it right now but in being in the place where God wants you is way better than being somewhere else. It's not worth the heartache and pain just to get my own will. God will show you his will, just give it time and prayer, lots of prayer. If you want, we can be in it together. I pray for you, you pray for me. Just remember, the Lord rewards those who follow his will. He will provide for you. And me.
Lord, help us to seek out your will in all decisions and circumstances. Give me the desire to rid my heart completely of my own will. That I will search after you and not move in any direction that you are not leading. I also pray this for my friends, God. Help them to search out your will and make your path known to them. Thank you Lord.